Extension Development Guide

How to create an internal and an external extension.


AsteroidAPI allows you to create powerful extensions that enhance Asteroid's functionality. With our new extension system, you can create both external and internal extensions with proper lifecycle management, dependency handling, and type-safe operations.

Extension Types

External Extensions

If you're creating an external extension, you won't need to use any of our internal-specified load classes. For example, to build a simple knockback extension that enables punching fake players with knockback, follow the code below:

final class KnockbackExtension extends JavaPlugin {
    public static double knockbackMultiplication;
    public static double onGroundAdd;

    public void onEnable() {
        Plugin plugin = getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Asteroid");
        knockbackMultiplication = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("knockback.multiplication");
        onGroundAdd = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("knockback.on_ground_add");
        plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new KnockbackEvent(), plugin);

    public void onDisable() {
        // Plugin shutdown logic

This code demonstrates how to create a simple external extension.

Internal Extensions

Internal extensions run within Asteroid itself and are loaded through our extension system. They're perfect for adding behaviors to fake players or modifying core functionality.

Here's a simple extension that adds invisibility to fake players:

public class Invis implements FakePlayerSpawn, ExtensionLifecycle {
    private final Random rand = new Random();
    private Plugin plugin;
    private final int duration = 5;
    private final int secondsUntilWearsOut = 5;
    private final int chance = 50;

    public void onLoad() {
        this.plugin = Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("Asteroid");
        System.out.println("Invisibility Extension - Loaded");

    public void onEnable() {}

    public void onDisable() {}

    public void onSpawnFakePlayerNMS(FakePlayerEntity fakePlayerEntity, JavaPlugin instance) {
        Player fakePlayer = fakePlayerEntity.getEntityPlayer();

        int randomNumber = rand.nextInt(101);
        if (chance < randomNumber) return;

        Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(instance, () -> {
            fakePlayer.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(
                duration == -1 ? -1 : 20 * duration,

        if (secondsUntilWearsOut != -1) {
            Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskLater(instance, () -> {
            }, 20L * secondsUntilWearsOut);

    public void onSpawnFakePlayerAfterLoad(FakePlayerEntity fakePlayerEntity, JavaPlugin instance) {}

Extension Lifecycle

Every internal extension now follows a lifecycle:

  1. onLoad(): Initial setup, resource loading

  2. onEnable(): Start tasks, register listeners

  3. onDisable(): Cleanup resources


The main interfaces you can implement:

  • ExtensionLifecycle: Base interface for lifecycle management

  • FakePlayerSpawn: Handle fake player spawn events

  • FakePlayerTick: Handle fake player tick events

  • Version: Annotation for version compatibility

2. Choose Your Interfaces

Decide which interfaces your extension needs to implement based on what you want to do:

public class MyExtension implements FakePlayerSpawn, FakePlayerTick, ExtensionLifecycle {
    // Implementation

3. Implement Lifecycle Methods

public void onLoad() {
    // Load resources, initialize variables

public void onEnable() {
    // Start tasks, register events

public void onDisable() {
    // Cleanup

4. Add Version Compatibility

@Version(MinecraftVersion.ALL)  // or specific versions
public class MyExtension {
    // Your extension code

Extension Management

Loading Extensions

Extensions are loaded automatically from the plugins/Asteroid/Extensions folder. The system will:

  1. Scan for .jar files

  2. Load classes implementing our interfaces

  3. Initialize them in proper order based on dependencies

Best Practices

1. Resource Management

Always clean up resources in onDisable():

public void onDisable() {
    // etc...

2. Error Handling

Use try-catch blocks for robust error handling:

try {
    // Your code
} catch (Exception e) {
    plugin.getLogger().severe("Error in extension: " + e.getMessage());

3. Version Compatibility

Always specify version compatibility:

@Version(MinecraftVersion.ALL)  // or specific versions
public class MyExtension {
    // Your code

4. Dependency Management

If your extension requires other extensions:

public class MyExtension {
    // Your code

Common Extension Types

1. Behavior Extensions

Add new behaviors to fake players:

public class BehaviorExtension implements FakePlayerTick {
    public void individualPlayerTick(FakePlayerEntity player, JavaPlugin plugin) {
        // Add custom behavior, whatever you want that can be ticked

2. Spawn Effect Extensions

Add effects when fake players spawn:

public class SpawnEffectExtension implements FakePlayerSpawn {
    public void onSpawnFakePlayerNMS(FakePlayerEntity player, JavaPlugin plugin) {
        // Add spawn effects, similar as AsteroidInvisibility

Testing Extensions

  1. Place your extension .jar in plugins/Asteroid/Extensions

  2. Start the server

  3. Check console for loading messages

  4. Test functionality

  5. Check logs for any errors

Common Issues and Solutions

Extension Not Loading

  • Check if jar is in correct folder

  • Verify interfaces are implemented correctly

  • Check version compatibility

  • Look for errors in console

Dependency Issues

  • Ensure required extensions are present

  • Check dependency load order

  • Verify version compatibility of dependencies

Last updated