Unleash your creativity with a versatile command scheduler. Execute a wide array of commands, each with a customizable probability, infusing your server with dynamic and immersive experiences.
Timing is everything: Determine when fake players execute commands with dynamic time intervals, enhancing the authenticity of your server. Elevating Realism with Smart Behaviors.
Easily put items for sale on the auction house without the need of external plugins
: Random time for scheduler executioncommands
: Scheduler commands with chances and optional random values
Tells the spoofer that the command that's about to be dispatched needs the player to have an item in hand
This generates a random number ranging between x and y, that is divisible by z. If the number isn't divisible by z it will keep generating until it finds one
Equips random pieces of armor (between 1-3) from the player's inventory
Overwrites the existing armor with the first pieces of armor found in the player's inventory
Re-equips a random item from his inventory in his main hand
NOTE! This must be used as following:
":(chance):{initAIConv}" If you are using AI to AI feature, make sure to include this in your scheduler.
NOTE! This must be used as following: "(whatever here):(chance):chat!sup everyone!" Use this before any message inside the scheduler and you will to make the player send a custom message.
NOTE! This must be used as following (only the format, you will be provided an example): "(whatever here):(chance):console->eco give %player% 100%" You can execute console commands using "console->"
To use anti-afk use the following format: ":80:console->asteroid extra rotate %player%" It will randomly rotate the player, clearing the afk mode.
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